Birbeck Medical Group

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Birbeck Medical Group is soon to become a ‘Research Practice!

We have some exciting news for the staff and patients at Birbeck Medical Group. The practice is working with the National Institute for Health and Care Research in order to give patients the opportunity to participate in studies and trials.

Research helps people who work in health and social care – such as doctors, nurses or care workers, find out about the best ways to help the people they are caring for.

Research can:

  • Find new and better ways of preventing, diagnosing and treating diseases or conditions
  • Test new approaches that could improve the lives of people receiving health or social care
  • Look at the costs and benefits of making changes in the community, for example, introducing exercise programmes or screening for cancer in certain age groups
  • Help us understand how the NHS and social care services can run more efficiently

Investment in research not only means better, more cost effective care for patients but also improving safety and can often lead to the development of drugs delaying the onset of disease and sometimes cures!

Research using data over the last few years has resulted in over 1,700 publications which have led to improvements in drug safety, best practice and clinical guidelines. Examples include confirming safety of MMR vaccine, informing NICE cancer guidance, safeguarding use of pertussis vaccine in pregnancy, and influencing the management of hypertension in diabetics.

Click on the link below to understand a little bit more about research.

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As studies become available we will post them on the practice website site so that you can read a little bit more about each study as it becomes available.

Dr Abby Wilson is our lead research GP in the practice and is currently being supported by Anna who is project managing the roll out research in the Practice.